Do you remember the Battle of Hunayn? For a brief moment, the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) were swayed by the advantage of their numbers. They thought that victory was certain. But Allah (SWT) proved their assumption wrong. The disbelievers launched such an attack that the companions were forced to retreat. However, when they realized their mistake, the enemy was forced to flee. As long as the companions relied on the strength of creation, they could not stand firm in the battlefield. But when they placed their trust in Allah’s help, the enemy could no longer hold their ground.Allah (SWT) says, “And certainly, Allah helped you at many places, and on the day of Hunayn, when your great numbers delighted you, but they availed you nothing. And the earth, despite its vastness, became constricted for you, and then you turned back in retreat.” [Surah At-Tawbah, 9:25]Thus, one must place complete trust in Allah alone—His power, mercy, and grace. For without His help, nothing can succeed. It is only by relying on Him that the believer can ever dream of victory. We must return to Him. Allah (SWT) says, “And trust in the Ever-Living One who does not die…” [Surah Al-Furqan, 25:58]Whoever places their trust in Allah, He will grant them victory and will help them in ways they cannot perceive, just as He helps all His creation. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “If you were to rely upon Allah properly, He would provide for you as He provides for the birds. They go out hungry in the morning, and return full in the evening.” [Hadith: Allah’s Trust, Hadith 1]Our righteous predecessors (Salaf) have written many books on the concept of Tawakkul (reliance on Allah). One of the notable scholars is Imam Ibn Abid Dunya (may Allah have mercy on him). Alhamdulillah, we have been able to translate his work on Tawakkul into Bengali. The translation was done by Ustad Ziaur Rahman Munsi. This book is undoubtedly a unique addition to Bengali literature. For those who want to understand the inner meaning of Tawakkul, read the hadiths related to it, and reflect upon the sayings of the Salaf, this book will serve as an excellent guide.
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