To become a good person, the first and foremost requirement is the purification of the soul. Without soul purification, attaining success in this world and the Hereafter is impossible. True success lies in a purified heart. However, the path to soul purification involves various methods, and without finding the correct one, people may harm their hearts instead of enlivening them. Identifying the correct method can be challenging for the average person.This daunting task was made easy by the great 8th-century scholar Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله), who was an expert in the field of spiritual purification. Over six centuries ago, he authored one of the greatest books on the subject, *Madarij as-Salikin* (The Stages of the Seekers). Conscious Muslims worldwide recognize the immense value of this masterpiece. It has been translated into numerous languages and cited in countless other works, making it a definitive reference book on spiritual purification.Alhamdulillah, after significant effort, we have brought forth an eloquent translation of this renowned work. The more it is read, the more readers will benefit and feel inspired to prepare themselves for the Hereafter.In this book, the author provides a comprehensive guide to the correct path of soul purification based on the Qur’an and Sunnah. To achieve purification, he describes fifty spiritual stages (*Manazil*), such as repentance (*Tawbah*), God-consciousness (*Taqwa*), deep reflection, reliance on Allah (*Tawakkul*), patience (*Sabr*), gratitude (*Shukr*), good character, remembrance of Allah (*Dhikr*), and self-respect. Each stage is critical on the journey to spiritual growth.This book offers clear guidance on how to progress from one stage to the next, ultimately leading the seeker closer to Allah. Through this journey, individuals gradually transform into true *Allah-walas* (devoted servants of Allah).
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